
In general, use google maps to find timetables odf public transportation.There are some options to Sto arrivando!i, dependingve to the department, depending on where you take your hotel. Here is the general scheme. Notice that the Scientific campus is near the airport, in the municipality of "Sesto Fiorentino" (so called because it was six miles from Florence). 

From Florence, one arrives at the department with bus n. 59, which starts in "Rifredi" near the "Morgagni" stop of the T1 tram line, and passes near the "Rifredi" train station (side "Firenze Nova" or "Novoli")

or from "Sesto Fiorentino" with  bus 66

Or by walk from the railway station "Zambra" (or even from the Sesto railway station, about 30 min). 

So, either one takes an hotel nearby the path of bus 59 (in Florence zones "Rifredi" or "Firenze Nova"), or along the path of bus 66 in Sesto Firoentino or chooses another location in Florence and reaches station "Rifredi" by train or by tram ( "Morgagni"  stop of the T1 tram line) and then bus 59

If one choses Sesto it is even possible to reach the university by walk.

Another possibility is to look for an hotel in Prato, which is quite cheaper than Florence, and then take a train (there are also buses) and reach Sesto station or Rifredi or Zambra)

ACRI 2024 is organised by the Department of Physics and Astronomy and CSDC, University of Florence, Italy 

and the LINCOLN and BIOPHYS initiative, INFN.

It will take place at:

Aula Magna Dept. Physics and Astronomy, UNiversity of Florence

via G. Sansone 1, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Italy